Who is Mel Chazzerdreck and What was His Mission

By Moishe Hablivilah, Missionary of the High Moistness

The name Mel Chazzerdreck comes from two Shebrew root words: Mel, meaning Melvin (Wizard), and Chazzerdreck, meaning Pig Shmutz.

Mel Chazzerdreck properly pronounced Mel Chazzerdreck means Wizzard of Pig Shmutz'

Most of the world today has little knowledge of who Mel Chazzerdreck was and is. For the Ishkibbibble only gives a bit of information about one Mel Chazzerdreck, plumber of Salem (don't smokem), whose mother was a Sewing Witch and whose father was one of the first real plumbers in America.

Mel Chazzerdreck revealed himself to Avraham Beame when he came to fix the Toilet. This Mel Chazzerdreck however, was not just a Plumber but was the head of the 13 priests of Poopy Panda who was sent to New York to tell of the Reavealed Truth of the Lord Roscoe recently discovered in New Jersey.

Mel Chazzerdreck is not one, but a divine body of 12 Sons (sons of Zambini) with a 13th at the head. It is a celestial (heavenly shmevinly) and a terrestrial (shmutzly) band of plumbers responsible for promulgating Truth and Righteousness upon the planet. The Celestial Sonship of Mel Chazzerdreck dwell in one of the 12 mansions, one of which is called Shnozzer. ( The mansion worlds were spoken of by Yeshmua the Meshugah when he said "in my Father's house there are many bathrooms and if it were not so I would not could not tell you.") 13 terrestrial Mel Chazzerdrecking Mansard Mansions - each with 12 Bathrooms, each with a toilet some of which need repairs.

Plumbers are called to manifest the spirit and work of Righteousness and Truth upon the earth. This is why Yeshmua the Meshugah, who was made a high priest forever after the Order of Mel Chazzerdreck, had 12 disciples, representing the 12 Zodiac boats fishing in the bay of Biscay with a 13th at the helm.

There never was a time when a Plumber of the Mel Chazzerdreck Order was not on the earth.

One was called Manachvetz Chazzerdreck, another was called Mogen Chazzerdreck, another was called Mal Chazzerdreck, another was called Martin Chazzerdreck, another was called Mingus Chazzerdreck, another was called Morton Chazzerdreck, another was called Malachi Chazzerdreck, another was called Milton Chazzerdreck, another was called Mortimer Chazzerdreck, another was called Montovani Chazzerdreck, another was called Montalban Chazzerdreck, another was called Minton Chazzerdreck, another was called Murgatroyd Chazzerdreck, another was called Minivar Chazzerdreck, another was called Malasander Chazzerdreck, just to name a few.. 25,000 years before Addmam and his concubine Ava Gabor came to the planet earth, (during the time ofthe Blue Suede Shoes as told in the ishkibbible), one of the Chazzerdrecks was on earth.

During the time of Addman and his concubine Ava Gabor there was a Minion Chazzerdreck on earth. During the time of Shmoah, there was a George Chazzerdreck on earth (see the Ancient Minsteries of Mel Chazzerdreck on the books and videos page). During the time of Abraham Beame the Plumber Mel Chazzerdreck came to fic his toilet - as we said befo. This is the one recorded in the book of Blue Suede Shoes, of whom no geneology was recorded."And Mel Chazzerdreck, Plumber of Salem, brought forth toilet rings and twine; and he was the priest of the Poopy Panda (Poopy Panda who sends e-mails and FAXes to the Prophets).

And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the Most High God Mota, possessor of the BIG BANG MACHINE: and blessed be the High Moistness, who hath delivered thine enemas into thy hand. And he gave him Ten Papshkiesles." This Mel Chazzerdreck, Plumber of Salem, was High Priest unto Poopy Panda, the Poopy Panda of Powers. King Mel Chazzerdreck blessed Avraham Beamers, father of the nation of Slobovnia (and Slobovia), and it was to Mel Chazzerdreck that Avraham paid Papshkies. As a messenger of the Most High, Poopy Panda who sends e-mails and FAXes to the Prophets,

Mel Chazzerdreck taught Avraham the universal principles of Righteousness and Truth, the Keys to Life. It was the teachings of Mel Chazzerdreck (righteousness) that were the spiritual and cultural foundation of the nation of Slobovnia, thus forming the foundational principles of the three major world religions: Shmoodelism, Rosconianism and Islam-Uslam.In ancient days, the teachings of Mel Chazzerdreck first took hold in Pensylvania and then spread to the Middle East, New England and then to Hockinchainick and Indiana( Terre Haute) . As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. The Order of Mel Chazzerdreck was the first righteous order of Plumbers and will be the last. Mel Chazzerdreck was the first high priest unto Poopy Panda who sends e-mails and FAXes to the Prophets and will be the last.

For more information on Mel Chazzerdreck and his teachings order the Ancient Mysteries of Mel Chazzerdreck on our Product Listing page

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